Make Your Bucket List Your To-Do List
Raise your hand is you are in major need of a vacation, but can’t seem to find the time. It seems to fair to say when it comes to planning a trip, we’ve all been personally victimized by our busy schedules.
Now is the time to make the time! Here are a few reasons we’re advocating for everyone to make their bucket list their to-do list.
Belmond Cipriani
While are day-to-day routines are important to our sanity, sometimes those very routines can makes us feel like we’re going mad. It’s important to take time to unplug and reset. Taking a break from the noise of calendar reminders and email notifications gives us a chance to slow down and enjoy. These needed breaks can cut down on stress and actually help build your immune system! Did we just write a prescription for your next vacation?
Reconnect with your loved ones. Whether it’s a long-distance friend or even the family you share a roof with, travel is the perfect way to get rare quality time together. Set a date for a recurring trip so you and your favorite travel companion always have a little something to look forward to.
New Connections
If you are ready to throw the “no new friends” mentality out the window, you’re not alone. As we get older, the chance to meet new people and form new connections becomes seldom. Away from the distractions of everyday life, it’s easier to open up and strike up a conversation with new faces.
Personal Growth
Maybe your kids are away at summer camp for the first time, or maybe you’ve become an empty nester. Perhaps your celebrating a retirement or setting off on your honeymoon. Marking big life transitions with transformative trips is the perfect way to turn the page to a new chapter of life.
Travelers know a thing or two, because they’ve seen a thing or two. What better way to master a new language or learn about our world’s history than doing it firsthand? Go right to the source and immerse yourself in some place new! Experiencing new cultures can be far more educational than even the best Masterclass. Experiencing new cultures and trying new things not only opens our minds, but boosts our confidence. and cultures Travel can be more educational than nearly any seminar or class.
We know it’s cliche, but don’t we all want to make the world a better place? Dedicate your vacation days to a volunteer trip for a cause close to your heart. Whether it’s wildlife conservation or access to clean drinking water, there are plenty of volunteer opportunities and chances to give back.
New Perspectives
Travel is one of the best ways to gain perspective and understanding. When exploring a destination for the first time, it seems fresh insights and new revelations are waiting around every corner. Seeing the world not only opens our minds, but warms our hearts.